Nana Mayosi

Bookings Operations Manager

You’re dealing with humans first, so always be sympathetic and empathetic.

Fun facts about Nana Mayosi

Not a pet person, but a poodle (needs to be cute)
Pizza and pasta
Orange juice (Mimosas)
Pretty Woman
TV Show:
Keeping Up with the Kardashians
The savage truth by Greg Savage
Afrobeats and hip pop
Greece, (Love water, zanzibar, island girl)
Specialist Subject:

What do you REALLY do at ThinkLocum?

My role encompasses various responsibilities. First and foremost, I focus on getting new business for the company. This involves actively seeking out potential clients, understanding their recruitment needs, and presenting them with our services and solutions. I act as a middleman between the client and the candidate, serving as a bridge to ensure a smooth and successful hiring process. This includes finding suitable candidates for the job, assessing their qualifications, and facilitating the interview and selection process.

What is the BEST thing about what you do?

I enjoy meeting and connecting with a diverse range of people that I typically wouldn't have encountered otherwise. This exposure to the daily world of locum enables me to develop a comprehensive understanding of healthcare and its intricacies. Overall, working at ThinkLocum has broadened my horizons and deepened my knowledge of the healthcare sector, making it a fulfilling experience.

What advice would you like to share with ANYONE joining the world of locum recruitment?

In locum recruitment, it's crucial to prioritize the fit between the candidate and the placement. Look beyond their credentials and evaluate whether they will be a good match for the specific role and environment. Take the time to understand their motivations, aspirations, and work preferences to ensure a successful placement that benefits both the candidate and the client. Remember that the human element is at the core of locum recruitment.

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