Top tips for doctors to help manage their stress levels


With the enormous pressure that doctors face on a daily basis, it is inevitable that they will feel stressed. Stress is a human nature that comes along with juggling hectic work, and literal 'life or death' matters. However, stress in doctors can cause damage. A doctor suffering from stress is more likely to commit medical errors- a substantial threat to patient care.

A study revealed that doctors suffer more stress, and subsequently experience more suicidal thoughts than most of the general population. Looking after mental health and managing stress comes down to not only how doctors are treated, but also how they treat themselves.

Stress management in doctors is crucial and can be critical for avoiding burnout. Let's take a look at some top tips to manage stress.

Know the root cause of your stress. and minimise the stress you can control 

Different people suffer distinct types of stress. Try to find what triggers your stress.

By minimising the daily stressors in your life that are within your control, it can impact your overall stress levels. 

Make small changes such as hiring a cleaner, changing your commute or going to bed earlier than usual, to help keep on top of the stress that is out of your control at work.  

Take care of yourself

As a doctor you will be used to telling your patients to take care of yourself. You must use your own advice and do the same for you.

Whilst it might be hard to find spare time for an exercise routine, simple remedies such as yoga, stretching or a gentle jog or walk can really relieve stress and boost serotonin levels. 

More stress relieving activities such bicycling, painting, reading, watching tv, having a bath, can really make you feel fresh and happy. Simple hobbies all divert your mind from the daily stresses and to relieve you of the burden of your day.

Do not hesitate to take CBT

CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and it is very effective to make you learn how to face your life stressors and solve them accordingly.

Perhaps, as a doctor, you should not feel ashamed to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist- It is because you are human too to feel stress out, and it is just like asking your colleague doctor to help you out.

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